Embryo Transfer Complete

July 24, 2013

There has been quite a lot of build up for this day and I must say that I didn't handle it that well! I am generally a stressed out person anyway, when others find no reason to stress, I will find 50 reasons. So this whole process has put my stress levels to the test! I haven't slept in five nights and I am hoping my insomnia doesn't affect our chances. Oh and the on and off crying has continued, as I try to stay positive while at the same time balance the risk of this not working. A horribly careful balance that I have not conquered.

The embryo transfer procedure took place yesterday (Tuesday, July 23). We arrived at 10:30 am for acupuncture, as there have been a lot of great studies about the benefits of acupuncture directly before and after embryo transfer. I was on such high alert that the acupuncture needles actually hurt a lot and she said I was "sensitive". Of course I am sensitive, my entire life and our dreams of having a family is riding on this one day! Okay a little bit dramatic I know! After calming my mind with acupuncture I went directly to the surgery center.

Did I mention that you have to have a completely full bladder for embryo transfer? So while I was getting into the hospital gown, putting on a hair net and paper shoes, all I wanted to do was take a seat on the toilet and let out the urine I had been holding in for an hour!! The embryologist came in first and gave us the good news that BOTH our embryos had survived the thaw (One is a 4-day morula and one is a 5-day early blastocyst). I cheered every so slightly as not to disturb my full bladder with too much motion. The nurses put my legs in the straps and the the doctor (reproductive endocrinologist RE) came in and told us what was about to happen. As one nurse pushed on my belly to get a good ultrasound view (that is what guides the RE to put the embryos in the right spot) the RE put the catheter in to try and get the best placement for the embryos. Because of my severely tilted uterus, he was not successful for the test run and had to put another metal device in me and straighten some things out. This was quite painful! The pinching feeling mixed with the need to urinate, was really uncomfortable! But I kept staring at the screen waiting to see the embryos go in so that I could find joy in this procedure!

Soon there they were, two little white things, our embryos made their first appearance and it was a magical moment. The RE got them in the perfect spot and he was quite pleased with the location and then told us our new statistics based on the procedure. He said that we have a 60% chance of getting pregnant and a 35% chance of having twins. Here is the first photo of our embryos:

So once again we wait! August 2 I will go in for a beta test to check for hcg levels. For now I am on "couch rest" for 48 hours and then I took the rest of the week off from work to try and relax. Of course that is almost impossible for me. My wonderful husband has taken 2 days off of work to cook for me, bring me things and take care of me, as I am just supposed to sit around and only get up to use the restroom. Not a bad gig and I am enjoying it while I can! 

In the meantime my husband gives me the progesterone intramuscular shots every morning and now the Lovenox shots. The progesterone shots are a hassle, as you have to heat the injection area afterwards and massage and walk around so that you don't get hard lumps and clumps and muscle pain. The muscle pain can be horrible as your tissue tries to recover you shoot into it again the next day, I've got some tricks I learned from the internet that help! The Lovenox shot burns like crazy immediately afterwards. But what I have learned is that I can handle almost any type of pain that comes my way! Bring it on!

As we wait I try to focus on the embryos implanting and growing, I talk to them and I am saying positive affirmations daily. Not sure what else to do at this point, what is going to happen will happen.

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