Ready for Round TWO

August 25, 2013

We had a meeting with our RE a couple of weeks ago to try and figure out why the FET failed. He said everything looked good and I actually did have traces of HCG in my blood so he thinks I was pregnant for a bit but it didn't stick. There was no real explanation as to why it didn't work though. I was kind of excited that I was a little bit pregnant even if it was just for a short time!

Interesting thing is that I never broke down or cried of grieved over the failed cycle. I completely expected to feel horrible the weekend after we received the news, but I didn't. I knew that I could either sit around and feel sorry for myself or just keep moving on with my life and stay positive. So my husband and I stayed positive and went about our usual business and many great things happened after that!

My grandma offered to pay for the next IVF and my husbands family offered to pay for the third round!! I should also mention that my husband's company is sending us on a free week long trip to Italy the same week as our one year wedding anniversary! Certainly after every storm is a beautiful rainbow and we were lucky enough to see the rainbow and find the gold too!

Not sure how all of these miracles have come our way, but we are completely grateful and appreciative of every single thing. We are on a month break before starting IVF#2, as we will be in Italy during egg retrieval if we started this month. I am scheduled to start birth control pills on September 6th and prepare for the stimulation phase again, then egg retrieval, fertilization, freeze and embryo transfer slated to happen in November.

The RE is changing up my medication protocol slightly, he is hoping to get 10 eggs out of me this time. I already have the med schedule and it is actually A LOT less than last cycle, thank goodness! One less shot and several less oral medications. After the failed FET I ended up with horrible rashes from the progesterone shots, so I am guessing we will have to change that medication up as well.

So here we are again, waiting for the next round to begin and as excited as the first round, but less nervous because I know what to expect this time. Infertility seems to be an endless waiting game that has certainly tested my patience. Having a baby at the end will be all worth it though.


  1. Hello,

    I been reading your blog. We are doing the ivf for the first time after 5 years of marriage!I'm on the pills now. I hope this 2nd round works with you. God Bless

  2. still rooting for you Elizabeth!!
