We Have Five Embryos!!

November 18, 2013

So far our embryos are doing so much better than last time!!  They retrieved six eggs,  all six were mature and all six fertilized!  By day of freeze we only lost one, due to an abnormal cell (3pn vs 2pn).  Keep in mind last time we went from six embryos to two embryos by day of freeze. We are ecstatic about the results this time!!  Three of the embryos are rated good quality and two are rated poor quality.

Ok so maybe I'm over zealous or just stupid... but I was hoping the doctor would put all of the embryos back in! I mean why not?  We've got them let's use them :)  Apparently according to guidelines you are only supposed to put in two good quality embryos to reduce the chances of high order multiples ( triplets+). Trust me I argued my point to put in all three good ones,  but to no avail.  So the doctor agreed to put in two good and one poor
embryo.  The poor embryo adds only 6%  chance,  but I will take what I can get!

December 11  is the embryo transfer date and I am counting down the days, hours and minutes!!  My mom is coming to stay with me during the couch rest days and I plan to just relax and enjoy the time off of work. Last time I stressed way to much, I mean constantly worrying about the embryos and  if they implanted,  how I was eating,  was I getting up too much,  did I sleep enough, etc.  This  time I am wiser and just look forward to December 11,  when I will happily be PUPO (pregnant  until  proven  otherwise).